
Transition from Kindergarten to Foundation (Formerly known as Prep)

Throughout the year we welcome potential Foundation (prep) families to come and visit us during our Open Classroom sessions. These sessions provide parents and children with an insight to the learning that takes place in the Foundation year. Our teachers regularly visit the local Kingergartens to meet the children and build a relationship with the kinder teacher so that we can support your child before they commence the Foundation year. We provide a transition program for all of our potential


Foundation students called 'Ready, Set, Prep…!'. The program begins in Term 3 and provides children with 10 transition sessions that focus on building oral language and developing phonemic awareness skills. These are all pre-primary skills.


Foundation students are supplied with a uniform pack, hat and satchel to help set them up for a positive start to their schooling. The first few weeks of school are busy with class teachers completing essential assessments to plan for the terms learning. Foundation students are not required to attend school for the first six Wednesday's of Term 1 to enable some of these assessments to be completed and provide a much needed break as the children learn to adjust to the longer school days.


Transition from Year 6 to Secondary School

During Term 2, grade 5 & 6 students attend a Kurnai Awareness Day in May/June. The session allows students to experience different aspects of a high school.


During Term 4, secondary schools host an Orientation Day for grade 6 students on the second Tuesday in December. Students who will be attending Kurnai Secondary College participate in a three day orientation program.A grade 6 graduation ceremony is held on a suitable date either before or after this orientation, where students and their families can celebrate the completion of the primary school years. 

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